Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesday 29th June 2010 Red Day

All-bran 84g 2 x HexB

4 Egg Omelette Dash of Milk, 2 Light Baby Bel Hex A
3 Slices Bacon Defatted

Wafer thin ham and strawberries

Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday 28/06/10 Red Day!

All Bran 84g 2 Hex B Skimmed milk Hex A
1 piece of Pastrami
1/2 Punnet of Strawberries Yummy
Chicken Breast 2 Babybel Extra Light Hex A lettuce cucumber tomatoes
rest of the strawberries and another couple of slices of pastrami
chicken breast with salad again but with a little extra light cheese counting as hex A as I had little milk with my cereal and wrapped in a slice of bacon defatted.
1 apple
1 options 2 syns

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday 24/06/10 Green Day

All Bran 84g 2 Hex B's with Skimmed Milk Hex A and splenda granulated

Pasta, Tomatoes (tinned),
57g Mozzarella 6 syns forgot already had 2 hex b's Quorn sausages, Fat Free Fromage Frais

Quorn Sausages, Baked Beans & Peas

Hunger not there so much today, a little less intense!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday 23/06/10 Red Day

Ok felt so satisfied with it yesterday that I had to have it today!!

All Bran 84g 2 Hex B's with Milk Hex A

2 Granny Smiths

3 Eggs Scrambled with Cottage Cheese, Apetina 10% Feta 42g Hex A, 3 Slices Bacon Fat removed, Lettuce, Cucumber.

Only drinks had Water with Lemon Juice!

Help!!! Just had 1 1/2 Tablespoon 'Ben and Jerrys Baked Alaska' with 'Jordans Country crisp chunky nuts' and 2 big Tablespoons 'extra thick Double Cream' from tescos on top ouch!!!

Is it worth counting the syns if so how many or have I blown it completely!!!

Got told to use todays syns on it and start again!!!!

Steak, savoy cabbage, Broccoli

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday 22/06/10 Red Day

Ok so far...

2 servings 42g Kelloggs All Bran with Non Fat Yogurt 2 Hex B's!

1 Punnet Stawberries Slowly eating my way through Yummy!!

A recipe that is quite like an omelet but so yummy -

3 eggs
1 fork full of low fat cottage cheese
Apetina Light 10 % 42g Hex A
1 Tin Tuna 130g
Pinch of Salt
A sprinkle of Malt Vinegar

3 eggs in a jug, add the fork full of cottage cheese and salt and beat like an omelet. Pour into frying pan add tuna and feta. Turn and brown until egg cooked!

Lettuce and cucumber salad

Sprinkle of malt vinegar.

Still on with the strawberries

Finished the strawberries!!!

Bacon fat cut off the dogs love it!! x 3 slices
1 Pickled Egg
Cottage Cheese

Hunger subsiding a little, water intake on the up!

Lots of water with lemon juice soooo refreshing as it boiling out there!!

Fish Pollack with savoy cabbage, brocolli, and carrots with honey dew melon for dessert!!